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Music Sheets

Music Ministries

At Shepherd of The Sea, we seek to glorify God through our lives as well as praise him through song.  Worshiping together means that we get to sing as one voice to express our love for God and to thank Him for all the goodness that He has done.  Worship may come from our lips, but it starts in the heart.

Traditional Choir

The choir has always been a strong part of the music ministry at SOSLC. Each week we gather to glorify God through singing. We lead the hymns, sing anthems, and provide music for our traditional worship services. The choir also leads the music for special services during the Church year, such as Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July and of course Christmas. Each year the Choir prepares a special concert, the Christmas Cantata.
We meet each week on Wednesday night for one hour in the administration building at 7 pm. If you like to sing, make a joyful noise, and have a good time, choir is the place for you.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is an ensemble made up of a small group of people with varying levels of musical experience (some have never played and instrument before!). We gather each week to prepare special music for our traditional worship services. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm in the sanctuary for an hour. Handbell choir typically leads special music in traditional services at least once a month. If you enjoy playing an instrument, or just want to learn more, Handbell Choir would be a perfect place for you.


Contemporary Band

Our contemporary band gathers each week to glorify God through songs that are new and fresh. We have instrumentalists and vocalists who comprise this praise band and are always looking to improve, add members, and allow for some backups in all areas. We currently rehearse on Thursday nights at 7 pm in the Sanctuary.

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